Let me support you to increase productivity, decrease procrastination and develop a growth mindset

Mel Harris - Qualified Coach

Founder of 'The Cottage Club'

I would like to extend a warm welcome to 'The Cottage Club. I'm Mel, I've been on this earth for such a long time (of which I'm grateful) and during this period I have had numerous roles which have involved education, mentoring and raising the aspirations of others. I currently project manage at a university, am a Governor at my old secondary school and run a charity amongst other things. So, I'm a really busy bee but I still find time to work on 3 'side hustles' as I know these will give me time freedom and choice to live life on my own terms. 

In my spare time I love to travel, go to spas, listen to all types of music and self-development. One for adventures and experiences over materialism, although, I do like nice things, but they will never take precedence over a feeling.

I believe that life is for living and not just existing and if opportunities are presented to you, take them. If none are presented to you, create them. Although I love the life I have created; at times I ask myself the question 'is this as good as it gets?' Personally for me, I don't think so, that's why I always strive to be a better version of me and to push forward in my endeavours like 'The Cottage Club'.

As a qualified coach I specialise in accountability and making sure that my clients, take action on a daily basis to move their business or themselves forward and to 'get business done'.

I once heard a motivational speaker say to the audience; 'I'll never get to my peak if I'm afraid to climb.' Never was a truer word said. Well, I continue to climb on a daily basis and I can't wait to have you alongside me on your own personal climbing challenge to reach your peak!

If you feel we can work together, book a free 30 minute call with me, let's move your business forward together.

Keep striving!


Mel x

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