Let me support you to increase productivity, decrease procrastination and develop a growth mindset

Increasing Productivity


For some people, perhaps even for you, increasing productivity is akin to finding the Holy Grail. Why has upping productivity taken on such mythical proportions?

Simply put, increasing productivity means increasing earning potential. If you own a business where you provide any type of service, taking steps to increase your ability to deliver the service in less time will allow you to take on more clients and earn more money. Likewise, if you sell a product, finding a way to make or deliver that product faster will enable you to serve more customers, once again, making more money.

When you find ways to do the same thing in less time, you are being more efficient. Efficiency and productivity go hand in hand. Undoubtedly, the more efficient you can make the process of completing any action, the more productive you will be.

Use these strategies to increase your efficiency so you can be more productive:

1. Create a prioritised schedule for your work.

Whether using a post-it note or a Microsoft Word file, almost everyone has some type of system for creating and editing the classic "to-do" list now known as actions. These lists are sometimes a hodgepodge of ideas and tasks that need to be completed in the future and not-so-distant future.

· There is nothing wrong with maintaining a to-do list, as it can make the difference between getting stuff done and going crazy trying to keep everything organised in your head. Still, the typical to-do list leaves much to be desired.

· Unlike a conventional to-do list, have a prioritised schedule takes things a step further, allowing you to increase efficiency and productivity.

· This is because prioritising all of the tasks that you have in front of you while keeping track of a longer term picture of your schedule for weeks to come, will allow you to really figure out what is the most important thing that needs to be done right now.

· A prioritised schedule essentially puts things into perspective, allowing you to figure out what truly needs to get done this very moment and focus on that.

2. Seek out and accept specialised help.

If you run your own business it will save you lots of time and energy at the start if you are open to collaborating with others.

· No matter how much you can do by yourself, your resources are finitely limited by one single factor that trumps all others… time.

· So, rather than spend 8 hours a day answering phone calls, working on new products, shopping for groceries and cutting your own hair, it may be a more productive use of your time to zero in on the one or two things that give you the most results for the amount of energy that you put into them. For example, if developing a new product will eventually double the size of your business by being able to cater to an additional market or consumer demographic, then this is time well spent.

Combining this strategy with using a prioritised schedule will enable you to focus on what is most important for you and get it done. Your productivity will soar!

Keep Pushing Forward!

Mel xx



Almost everyone procrastinates. There are always things you might not want to do, even though you know it may be necessary. The good news is you can avoid living like that. You can change the way you look at your tasks and make procrastination a distant memory.

There are all kinds of reasons why people procrastinate. Some do it because they do not like the task, others do it because other things mean more to them. No matter what your reasons for procrastinating, you can take control and get things done.

Find What Matters to You

It is important to be able to do things that you want to do, but the reality is that someone has to take out the rubbish, wash the dishes, or complete that long-winded report. There should be a healthy balance between things you must do and things you do simply for pleasure.

If you want to stop procrastinating, your first step is to determine:

· What you absolutely have to do

· What others have told you that you have to do

· What you can get others to do for you - either volunteer or paid

When you have been honest with yourself and determined what matters to you, you can focus on the tasks that you truly must accomplish.

Be Sure to Reward Yourself

Ensure you get something when you give something. In other words, avoid doing a lot of tasks that you do not enjoy without treating yourself. The reward should be simple and realistic, but also something that you can look forward to. A treat can be anything from watching your favourite movie to taking a walk under the stars - whatever brings you joy.

Try these techniques to convince yourself to complete those tasks:

1. Get others involved. Get your family or friends involved and then enjoy some time together afterward. Do something that makes you feel joyful and connected. This way, you can actually look forward to it!

2. Do one thing each day. Divide the task up into more manageable bits. When you do that, the smaller tasks seem much easier to handle.

3. Set realistic deadlines and goals. If you set unrealistic goals, it is easy to get discouraged. Avoid discouragement by setting goals and deadlines that are attainable. Your confidence and motivation soar when you know you can achieve what you set out to accomplish.

Overcoming procrastination takes work, but it is something that anyone can do. Make a commitment today to stop procrastinating and start moving forward with your life. You can take control, and you will be glad you did as you find yourself accomplishing your goals and enjoying more free time.

Keep Pushing Forward

Mel xx



The Pomodoro technique can help to stop procrastination and supports you to re-focus. Each pomodoro is dedicated to one action/task and each break is a chance to reset and bring your attention back to what you should be working on.

Benefits of 'The Pomodoro Technique'

  • Manage distractions and control your time.
  • Increase accountability.
  • Maintain motivation.

Follow these steps to maximize your action sessions with the Pomodoro Technique:

  1. Choose your timer. The Pomodoro (tomato in Italian) Technique is based on the tomato-shaped kitchen timer, but any timer will do.
  2. Track your sessions
  • Use a sticky note, notepad, Cottage Club Companion, or your computer.
  • Use check boxes to track each session you complete.

3. Set your timer for 25 minutes

While the timer is ticking, work without distractions

  • When the timer goes off, stop, and take a break. Your break should last at least 5 minutes but should be kept short.
  • After completing 4 successful Pomodoro sessions, take a longer break.

Now is a good time for a 30-minute break, a snack, or even a short nap to recharge.

4. Repeat with sets of 4 sessions until your actions, project or work-day is done.

Keep Pushing Forward

Mel xx


Growth Mindset


Do you have limiting beliefs?Are these holding you back from moving yourself and your business forward? Download this 'Limiting Beliefs Assessment Test' to find out.



Have you ever felt like you don’t have the expertise, talent, knowledge, or credibility to do what you do for your business?

If you can relate to those feelings of chronic self-doubt, you’ve probably experienced imposter syndrome. You’re not alone - studies suggest 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lifetime.

Do you relate to any of these patterns?

Perfectionism. You may set high goals for yourself. Because your goal is perfection, the smallest mistakes may make you feel like a failure.

Attribute success to luck. You downplay your success because you do not believe you deserve the success, or you believe you are just lucky.

Fear of failure. Because of a fear of failure, you may set challenging goals and be disappointed when those goals fail. You might also take on limited tasks because you fear failure.

Difficulty asking for help. You might have difficulty asking for help because you believe asking for help will show that you’re unqualified or unknowledgeable.

Experiencing imposter syndrome can limit your confidence to go after new opportunities or build your business because you feel that you do not deserve it.

Luckily, there are some steps you can take to give yourself more credit and start overcoming those feelings of self-doubt.

Steps to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

  1. Acknowledge imposter feelings. Recognise when you start feeling like an imposter. Instead of engaging with your thoughts of self-doubt, acknowledge that it is a normal response.
  2. Understand the root of the cause. Why do you think you feel like you don’t deserve success? Why or why not? Is it due to a fear of failure?
  3. Focus on facts, not feelings. When you start feeling like a fraud, focus on positive facts. For example, maybe you started your business because of your experience in that field, or you have a talent which you have developed over a long period.
  4. Ask yourself if that thought helps or hinders you. Does feeling fraudulent help or hinder you? Is that what you want to be? What kind of person do you want to be?
  5. Reframe your thoughts. Instead of telling yourself that you don’t deserve success, reframe your thoughts to give yourself more credit and enjoy the experience.
  6. Own your accomplishments instead of attributing them to “luck” or “help from others.” You’ve worked hard to get where you are.
  7.  Instead of setting impossibly high standards, set smaller goals so you can enjoy the process.
  8.  Remind yourself there will never be the “perfect time.”
  9. Accept that it’s okay to make mistakes. Instead of fearing failure, develop a healthy response to making mistakes. Accept that it’s normal to make mistakes and learn from each mistake instead.
  10. Reach out for support. Having a safe space to receive support will help you reduce feelings of being an imposter. When you feel imperfect, make a mistake, or receive a compliment, your first instinct may be to hide. Instead, start reaching out to an encouraging mentor, coach, or colleague for support.

● Say “thank you” when you receive a compliment.

● Practice being honest when you feel imperfect, embarrassed, or have made a mistake.

● Share and celebrate your achievements and successes.

Accept that we all must start somewhere. Remember an expert was a beginner once.

Imposter syndrome can make you feel like you’re not good enough, you don’t belong, or you are undeserving. 

But it’s important to remind yourself that learning and making mistakes do not make you an imposter - it makes you human.

Business Growth

28 Highly Effective Lead Magnet Ideas

Lead magnets are one of the most effective ways to build your email list. The way it works is simple. You create something of value and then give it away in exchange for a person’s email address.

Here are 28 highly effective lead magnet ideas to help you start building your email list today…

  1. Checklist. A checklist in which everything from a blog post is condensed into super actionable steps that can be easily referenced.
  2. Cheat Sheet. A list of guidelines, steps, or processes that can be followed again and again
  3. Template. A template for a commonly done activity (blog post, type of email, or other item) where blanks can quickly be filled in.
  4. Swipe File. A list of things (headlines, email subject lines) that can be simply copied and pasted
  5. Example. A completed sample/example of a commonly used item, such as a CV (different than a template, which has blanks.
  6. Script. A fill-in-the-blank script that people can follow when talking to specific individuals (e.g. potential clients)
  7. Toolkit. A list of all the tools necessary to effectively perform a particular task (e.g. how to start a blog)
  8. Free Tool. A useful tool that anyone can use in exchange for their email address (e.g. cashflow spreadsheet)
  9. Resource List. A large list of resources that can be easily referenced at any time (e.g. places that accept guest blog posts)
  10. Calendar. A calendar which helps people plan out tasks (e.g. content creation, social media, blogging)
  11. Worksheet. A simple worksheet designed to help someone complete a specific exercise, think through something, or complete a task
  12. Printable. A well-designed sheet that can be easily printed and then used (e.g. project planner)
  13. Inspiration File. A compilation of inspirational resources to help people when they get stuck or simply need some extra inspiration
  14. Prompts. A list of prompts designed to help people think through specific questions and work through challenges (e.g. journaling prompts)
  15. Calculator. A simple calculator designed to help someone easily complete more complex calculations, like determining the value of their house
  16. Spreadsheet. A spreadsheet that already has calculations programmed into it, making more difficult calculations easy
  17. Recipe. A recipe (or list of recipes) related to a specific food plan or diet
  18. Tutorial. A step-by-step guide through a particular task or process, designed to make learning it as easy as possible
  19. eBook. An in-depth eBook that covers a particular subject in detail
  20. Guide. A shorter document (not as long as an eBook) that still covers a subject in relatively thorough detail
  21. Report. A detailed report in which you discuss key information related to your industry or business
  22. Educational Video. A video or series of videos in which you give your expert knowledge on a particular subject
  23. Webinar. An in-depth video/webinar which provides your prospects with significantly valuable information regarding a specific subject
  24. Email Course. A free course on a particular subject which you deliver via email
  25. Free Coaching Session. A quick coaching/consulting session where you help a person work through a particular issue
  26. Predictions. A list of your expert predictions related to your industry or business
  27. Recording/Replay. A video replay of a webinar you’ve done, thus allowing your prospect to still access the valuable information
  28. Audio Book. A downloadable audiobook related to your business or industry

20 top tips for home-based business owners to help grow their businesses

1. Set Clear Goals: Define your short-term and long-term objectives to give your business direction.

2. Create a Dedicated Workspace: Designate a clutter-free area for work to improve focus and productivity.

3. Establish a Routine: Stick to a consistent schedule to maintain work-life balance and stay organised.

4. Professional Online Presence: Create a polished website and active social media profiles to showcase your brand.

5. Network: Join online communities, attend virtual events, and connect with others in your industry.

6. Effective Time Management: Prioritise tasks, use tools like calendars, and avoid multi-tasking to maximize productivity.

7. Continuous Learning: Stay updated on industry trends and enhance your skills through online courses and resources.

8. Customer-Centric Approach: Provide excellent customer service and build lasting relationships with clients.

9. Utilise Social Media: Engage with your audience through consistent and valuable content on various platforms.

10. Email Marketing: Build an email list and send regular newsletters to keep customers informed and engaged.

11. Optimise for SEO: Use relevant keywords to improve your website's search engine ranking and visibility.

12. Offer Value: Provide valuable content, free resources, or discounts to attract and retain customers.

13. Partnerships and Collaborations: Team up with complementary businesses for mutual promotion and growth.

14. Monitor Finances: Keep track of income, expenses, and taxes to ensure financial stability.

15. Feedback Matters: Listen to customer feedback and make necessary improvements to your products or services.

16. Stay Adaptable: Embrace changes and adapt your business strategies as needed in response to market shifts.

17. Leverage Technology: Use tools for project management, communication, and automation to streamline tasks.

18. Diversify Income Streams: Explore new products, services, or revenue streams to reduce reliance on one source.

19. Professional Development: Invest in personal growth and skills that can contribute to your business's success.

20. Stay Positive: Maintain a positive mindset, overcome challenges, and celebrate even small achievements.

Remember that growing a home-based business takes time and dedication. Focus on continuous improvement, adaptability, and providing value to your customers.

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