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Morning Routines Do They Really Work?

Morning Routines Do They Really Work?

Morning Routines Do They Really Work?


20 MAR 2023

What do Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins and Mark Zuckerberg all have in common apart from being extremely rich and successful? The answer? They all have morning routines which some would argue have aided their rise to the top; but is it the actual routine or the consistency and discipline which has supported this? Let’s face it, there’s not one person in the world who doesn’t have a morning routine, whether that’s getting 3 children out of bed and ready for school or sitting in silence for 10 minutes, sipping a cup of coffee contemplating what the day ahead holds.

Can a morning routine aid with productivity or is it enough to just go with the flow? I must confess I have a morning routine, over the years it has been a bit chaotic to say the least but I feel I’m slowly nailing it and am starting to feel and see the benefits. So it's a keeper!

Here are 6 ways how a morning ritual can benefit you.

1. Prepares you for the rest of the day.

2. Increases your productivity.

3. Helps you feel in control of your day and life.

4. Lowers your stress and anxiety.

5. Increases happiness

6. Helps to develop healthy habits.

What is the purpose of Your Morning Routine?

1. A more consistent daily life.

2. Improve health.

3. Improve mind and soul.

4. Reconnect with yourself.

5. Start the day on a productive note.

6. Knowing the purpose of your morning routine helps you create a routine that best meets your goals

How to Start

1. Think about what you already do in the morning and use that as a potential base

2. Ask yourself key questions to know and learn what morning routines would be right for you. What would your ideal morning like?

3. What are some things you can do to make your mornings easier?

4. Start with baby steps.

5. Improvise and change your plan if it doesn't work.

6. Hold yourself accountable, even when you want to sleep in.

Morning Routines for Busy People

1. Prep the night before.

2. Wake up early or earlier.

3. Meditate to prepare for the day.

4. Practice gratitude.

5. Move and get active.

6. Use your commute to listen to an audiobook or podcast.

The key to a successful morning routine is to make it yours. If it doesn’t fit with your values and goals it’s not the right routine for you so only keep what aligns with you. This way, you are more likely to be consistent and committed, and it becomes embedded into your day every day.

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